Two parallel markets – Safex and the physical market
Two parallel markets - Safex and the physical market During negotiations - whether it concerns grain or cattle - the buyer and seller must be on the same page before they can reach [...]
Two parallel markets - Safex and the physical market During negotiations - whether it concerns grain or cattle - the buyer and seller must be on the same page before they can reach [...]
Oos-Vrystaat Aanplantingsverslag Rand Agri se graanverhoudingbestuurders het soos gewoonlik vroeg Februarie hul jaarlikse oesaanplantingsreis onderneem. Die doel van die toer was om die toestande van gewasse (mielies, sojaboon, sonneblom en sorghum), wat in [...]
Mpumalanga Aanplantingsverslag Rand Agri bestudeer graantoestande tydens 'n reis deur Mpumalanga vroeg Februarie 2021. Die algehele indruk is positief en opbrengspotensiaal oor die algemeen in Mpumalanga vertoon bo-normaal goed. Die volgende drie weke [...]
Noordwes & Wes-Vrystaat Aanplantingsverslag Rand Agri bestudeer graantoestande vanuit die lug tydens 'n vlug oor Noordwes-Provinsie en die Wes-Vrystaat op 21 Januarie 2021. Die algehele indruk is positief met bo-gemiddelde tot rekord-opbrengspotensiaal oor [...]
Economic growth & increased grain demand The COVID-19 pandemic and on-going droughts took its toll on Mozambique, hampering the steady year-on-year growth that peaked in February, sending the GDP tumbling in Q2. Focus [...]
Grain Trade and Logistics Help Ensure Food Security According to Mordor Intelligence, the South African Grain Market is projected to grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 5,91% during the forecast [...]
Commodity Hedging or Price Risk Management Rand Agri briefly explains these price risk instruments below: Commodity futures - contracts to buy or sell a commodity at a specified future date. a. Futures contracts [...]
The facts about non-genetically modified grains Non-GMO means “non-genetically modified organisms”. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), are characterised as novel organisms created in a laboratory through genetic modification/engineering techniques. Scientists, consumers and environmental groups [...]