Incoterms® Explained
Incoterms® Explained EXW (Ex Works) – Ex Farm When you agree to the EXW Incoterm®, the buyer is responsible for all the expenses from: Pick-up of goods from the seller's silo or farm, [...]
Incoterms® Explained EXW (Ex Works) – Ex Farm When you agree to the EXW Incoterm®, the buyer is responsible for all the expenses from: Pick-up of goods from the seller's silo or farm, [...]
Discussing the oilseed complex By Johan Gouws, Senior Oilseed Dealer, Rand Agri Johan Gouws: Senior Oilseed Trader To better understand the oilseed complex, we should discuss the fundamental factors of supply [...]
Sorghum ergot- fact sheet two Sorghum The biology, management and toxicity of sorghum ergot Sorghum ergot is caused by a fungus, Claviceps africana. The disease reduces yield through poor seed set and causes harvesting [...]
How the Zimbabwe maize import ban impacts the South African market The announcement by Zimbabwe authorities last week to suspend all maize and maize meal imports with immediate effect is consequential. Zimbabwe is [...]
Sorghum Fact Sheet By: The Agricultural Research Council INTRODUCTION Sorghum [Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench] is an indigenous crop to Africa, and though commercial needs and uses may change over time, sorghum will remain [...]
Fuel price increases and levies Diesel is one of the four main input costs for grain farmers, and the entire grain supply chain is affected by fuel price increases. The drastic increase in [...]
Two parallel markets - Safex and the physical market During negotiations - whether it concerns grain or cattle - the buyer and seller must be on the same page before they can reach [...]
Oos-Vrystaat Aanplantingsverslag Rand Agri se graanverhoudingbestuurders het soos gewoonlik vroeg Februarie hul jaarlikse oesaanplantingsreis onderneem. Die doel van die toer was om die toestande van gewasse (mielies, sojaboon, sonneblom en sorghum), wat in [...]
Mpumalanga Aanplantingsverslag Rand Agri bestudeer graantoestande tydens 'n reis deur Mpumalanga vroeg Februarie 2021. Die algehele indruk is positief en opbrengspotensiaal oor die algemeen in Mpumalanga vertoon bo-normaal goed. Die volgende drie weke [...]
Noordwes & Wes-Vrystaat Aanplantingsverslag Rand Agri bestudeer graantoestande vanuit die lug tydens 'n vlug oor Noordwes-Provinsie en die Wes-Vrystaat op 21 Januarie 2021. Die algehele indruk is positief met bo-gemiddelde tot rekord-opbrengspotensiaal oor [...]